Sunday, June 17, 2018

Omega-3 Essential fatty acid

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids, which the body cannot make but absolutely needs for normal growth and development. People living in industrialized countries eat up to 30 times more Omega-6 fatty acids through their regular food than Omega-3 fatty acids, resulting in a relative deficiency of Omega-3 fats. Omega-6 metabolic products are formed in excessive amounts causing allergic and inflammatory disorders and make the body more prone to heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Taking Omega-3 supplements can restore the balance between the two fatty acids and can reverse these disease processes. The richest source of Omega-3 is from Deep Sea Cold Water fish, such as Salmon. Omega-3 contains two essential fatty acids : EPA (Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid).

Benefits of Omega-3

Heart disease and Stroke

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart. The Omega-3 supplements increase the concentrations of good Cholesterol (high density lipoproteins, HDL) while decreasing the concentrations of bad Cholesterol (triglycerides). In addition, eating Omega-3 rich food will result in a moderate decrease in total cholesterol level.

Furthermore, Omega-3 supplements also protect the heart by preventing blood clots or keeping other fats from injuring the arterial walls. They not only relax arteries, but also help to decrease constriction of arteries and thickening of blood. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease risk of heart attacks, strokes and abnormal heart rhythms.


Individuals with diabetes tend to have high triglyceride and low HDL levels. Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower triglycerides and apoproteins (markers of diabetes), and raise HDL, so people with diabetes may benefit from eating foods or taking supplements that contain DHA and EPA.


Most clinical studies investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements for inflammatory joint conditions have focused almost entirely on rheumatoid arthritis. Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, laboratory studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may benefit people with other inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis.


After the age of 40, the brain reaction slows down a little and one can get forgetful at times. However, research has now shown that lack of adequate Nutrients can accelerate this normal slowing down of the brain. The essential fatty acids (Omega-3) help keep brain cell membranes health and ensure adequate production of brain chemicals.


People who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids or do not maintain a healthy balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in their diet may be at an increased risk for depression. The omega-3 fatty acids are important components of nerve cell membranes. They help nerve cells communicate with each other, which is an essential step in maintaining good mental health. In particular, DHA is involved in a variety of nerve cell processes.


Omega-3 are not just good for your eyes, but indispensable. The retina of your eyes needs the polyunsaturated Omega-3. The fluid quality that they impart to the membranes enables your retina to convert, with lightning speed, the images it receives into electrical signals to be sent to your brain. Omega-3 deficient fatty acids can result in slower-than-normal responses to visual signals.

Another condition that Omega-3 can safeguard your eyes against is Glaucoma. It’s caused by poor circulation in the arteries that feed the eyes. This put pressure on the optic nerves causing damage to the eyes. Omega-3 are a natural aid in preventing such blood vessel disorders.


Clinical research suggests that omega-3 fatty acid supplements may decrease inflammation and improve lung function in adults with asthma. Omega-6 fatty acids have the opposite effect: they tend to increase inflammation and worsen respiratory function. Omega-3 supplements can keep the Omega-6 fats in check and decrease the inflammatory reactions associated with asthma.

Weight loss

Many individuals who are overweight suffer from poor blood sugar control, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Clinical studies suggest that overweight people who follow a weight loss program that includes exercise tend to achieve better control over their blood sugar and cholesterol levels when they take omega-3 capsules.

Female Health and Omega-3

The function of a woman’s reproductive system– menstruation, pregnancy, menopause – often place demands on her body that require extra nutritional support. The Omega-3 supplements form an important component of a woman’s sexual health.

Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) experience a pattern of various discomforts, some of which can be quite severe. It is most likely to be severe in women who have undergone a change in their levels of estrogen and progesterone, the primary female hormones, or who are between the ages of thirty and forty-five.

Omega-3 fatty acids play an important part in rebalancing the prostaglandins. The Omega-3 discourage the production of prostaglandins that irritate nerves and tissues while encouraging the production of prostaglandins that soothe the body.

Selection of Omega-3

It is important to find the right Omega-3 for maximum benefits.

Omega-3 from Deep sea Cold water fish, Salmon is typically described as a “Long-Chain” essential fatty acids, which have the advantages of being immediately available to the body. The other sources (like canola and linseed (or flaxseed) oils, soybeans) are described as “Short Chain” fatty acids, which must be converted to long-chain by body before they can be utilised. The difference between long-chain and short-chain Omega-3s is found in the way the body processes these important nutrients. While both varieties are healthy, long-chain Omega-3s are more efficient and act faster in the body than do short-chain Omega-3s. In fact, research suggests that a person would have to consume six to ten times the amount of short-chain Omega-3s to get the health benefits of one recommended dose of long-chain Omega-3s.        

Omega-3 must have vitamin-E as anti-oxidant helping the body to “flush out” any toxins that are “floating” around.

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